This is possibly the MOST exciting product to come out for the 2G DSM Chassis and community in a LONG time….. MB881973 – MB881974
FIBA Motorsport has worked hard on this product for some time now and is finally proud to present to you the final work of art!
The rubber is a molded piece to mimic the OEM-formed metal shape. This looks like an OEM as it can get right down to the lips on either side, so you won’t have any gaps or loss of material in either direction. once on the chassis it is amazing to look at.
The material…
The rubber is now a modern EPDM for a long-lasting finish. It’s resistant to temperature, sunlight/UV, and chemicals (of course not the harsh ones) and is now a softer vs hard surface. I have also changed the thickness in the middle of the body from the OEM 0.3mm THIN to 1mm THICK. This is to allow the thickness to be more wear-resistant over longer periods of time. Instead of it being so thin and drying out then flaking thus revealing the shiny chrome base, the thicker body now will last longer and offer more volume to protect against base metal coming through.
The installation…
This BASE form is a DIY kit so you will need to be prepared to do the work. Prep and time is key! DO NOT RUSH. Each side is going to take you about 2 hours for the Coupe and 1.5 hours for the Spyder, from stripping to having it fully completed and ready to cure the adhesive.
Should your black inner drain coating on the rail be cracking then add extra time here for sanding the inside prepping/taping up, painting and lastly drying. Here I suggest using a nice gloss or matte stone chip paint that has a smooth texture. drying for at least 24 hours and MUST be done BEFORE putting the new molding on the front as you WILL cause damage if you do this section last.
(I will try and have SOME sets available to buy ready to bolt on but not many and refurbished from parts cars. USED parts can vary when I get them in but will never be bent or kinked in the metalwork. you may need your factory plastic clips and caps)
What is supplied:
- 2 lengths of the drip rail molding, 1 for each side; they are over-sized in length to allow trimming once complete
- 2 lengths of NEW top foam padding; this is to complement the new rubber and freshen up the seal against the chassis For the FULL refurbished effect
- Adhesive/glue for the installation
The fitting kit includes:
- Emery cloth for prepping the rubber surface on the BACK for bonding
- Hand roller for the TOP face surface of the rubber once applied to the metal base for smooth distribution and leveling
- Blue masking tape
- Disposable brushes
What you will need that is NOT supplied:
- A (new uncontaminated) steel Wire wheel for your angle grinder; flat or dome – both work well
- Angle grinder
- Safety goggles are a must!!!
- Sharp razor blade for trimming the ends once all dried
- 70% isopropyl alcohol panel wipe/spray bottle
- Clean lint-free cloth. NO tissues!!!
- Clear surface area to work on
*** LIMITED STOCKS OF PRE-MADE UNITS in both Coupe and Spyder chassis. Please check before placing your order as I may not have any currently in stock. ***
- USA +£32
- Canada + £37
Price INCLUDES tracking and insurance. For other locations, please message to get a quote.
Please use this QR code to view the Walk through video for this.
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